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2 hospitals

110,000 patients.
28% admission rate
8% critically ill or injured

2 patient populations

2 Level 2 Trauma Centers
5.5 months of pediatric exposure
5.5 ICU Rotations

1 program

2 electives
13 core faculty
3 years in a row on Healthgrades’ list of ‘America’s 50 Best Hospitals’

Year 1


EM x 8

Pediatric EM 1


Cardio 1


Rads/US/Anes 1

-July is an entire month of orientation. A combination of shadow shifts, procedure labs, sim cases, small group lectures and independent study.


-MICU is a vertically integrated experience with progressive responsibility. EM1 starts as primary care givers and EM2/3 take on leadership roles. Our ICUs are spacious, state of the art facilities which offer ECMO, interventional PE, advanced pulmonary and cardiac care. 9 critical care fellows help direct the care and learning of our resident teams. Third years function as team leaders, giving them the opportunity to mature and master the skills necessary to direct care.


-Rads/US/Anes is a combined experience with the mornings split between Radiology and Anesthesia. The afternoons are spent with our ultrasound educators practicing in the department.


-OB is at our Southfield Campus working with the OB/GYN residents mastering delivery and perinatal care.


-Pediatric Emergency Medicine is hosted by Children's Hospital of Michigan, the only Tertiary care, Level 1 Pediatric Trauma and burn center in Detroit. Working with the pediatric EM fellows and faculty, our residents have a vertical experience as EM1 and EM3’s with increasing responsibility caring for ill and injured children from across the region. These rotations enhance the strong pediatric experience they get in our main EDs and give residents access to HALO pediatric procedures.

Year 2

EM x 8



Trauma 1

Elect/NICU 1


-EMS is a joint rotation with both Oakland and Detroit county services. In addition to ride alongs, residents spend administrative time with the medical control physicians for both services and the fellows from the WSU EMS fellowship. Flight medicine optional.


-MICU is a vertically integrated experience with progressive responsibility. EM1 starts as primary caregivers and EM2/3 take on leadership roles. Our ICUs are spacious, state of the art facilities which offer ECMO, interventional PE, advanced pulmonary and cardiac care. 9 critical care fellows help direct the care and learning of our resident teams. Third years function as team leaders, giving them the opportunity to mature and master the skills necessary to direct care.


-Trauma is at our Level 2 Novi campus. With no other learners on service, our residents manage cases directly with the attendings and without competition of other learners. Combined with our SICU rotation in EM3, our residents graduate with a comprehensive skill set for managing injured patients.


-PICU is hosted by Children's Hospital of Michigan, the only Tertiary care, Level 1 Pediatric Trauma center in Detroit. The massive PICU is a referral center from across the state giving our residents opportunities to care for the most critically ill children.


-Our 2 electives are an opportunity for residents to self-direct their learning. We offer broad opportunities both within and outside the institution. Inside Providence we offer Ultrasound, IR, NICU, Dermatology, Plastics, Ortho, ENT, Ophtho, Vascular, EMS, Sports Med, Admin, Research, Medical Education, Community EM at Providence Rochester. Electives outside the institution are supported particularly for residents with sub-speciality interest include pain management, global health, trauma, toxicology, wilderness medicine and more.

Year 3

EM x 8

Peds Anesthesia

Pediatric EM 1



Admin/QI 1

Elective 1

-Pediatric Emergency Medicine is hosted by Children's Hospital of Michigan, the only Tertiary care, Level 1 Pediatric Trauma and burn center in Detroit. Working with the pediatric EM fellows and faculty, our residents have a vertical experience as EM1 and EM3’s with increasing responsibility caring for ill and injured children from across the region. These rotations enhance the strong pediatric experience they get in our main EDs and give residents access to HALO pediatric procedures.


-MICU is a vertically integrated experience with progressive responsibility. EM1 starts as primary care givers and EM2/3 take on leadership roles. Our ICUs are spacious, state of the art facilities which offer ECMO, interventional PE, advanced pulmonary and cardiac care. 9 critical care fellows help direct the care and learning of our resident teams. Third years function as team leaders, giving them the opportunity to mature and master the skills necessary to direct care.


-Our 2 electives are an opportunity for residents to self-direct their learning. We offer broad opportunities both within and outside the institution. Inside Providence we offer Ultrasound, IR, NICU, Dermatology, Plastics, Ortho, ENT, Ophtho, Vascular, EMS, Sports Med, Admin, Research, Medical Education, Community EM at Providence Rochester. Electives outside the institution are supported particularly for residents with sub-speciality interest include pain management, global health, trauma, toxicology, wilderness medicine and more.


-The SICU experience is hosted at Ascension St. John- a level 1 trauma center on Detroit’s eastside. Functioning as the SICU chiefs, our residents respond to all trauma codes and function as team leaders both in the SICU and ED. The rotation enhances our resident trauma exposure by giving them additional access to management of high acuity patients both in the resus bay and in the unit. 


-Our administrative rotation offers a unique combination of experiences that help our residents understand what it takes to keep EDs running smoothly. They work alongside our dedicated site leads to work through challenges facing our incredibly busy and complex departments. They participate in high level meetings at the department, institution and even regional level. They are assigned issues related to flow or care and are asked to come up with solutions, which are presented to department leadership. They undergo quality assurance training and certification. They work directly with Dr. Steven McGraw who chairs emergency medicine for all 17 Ascension sites across Michigan. Additional experiences include performing medical examinations with Oakland County and learning observation medicine with our CDU director.

© Henry Ford Providence Hospital, Emergency Medicine Residency

October 4, 2024

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